I am always asked about my favourite books about D-Day, and the fact is with over 1000 books in my library, it is very hard to select a few favorites. However here are some that I especially like.
General books on D-Day Here are some very good books that cover the landings on June 6th and in some cases the first few days. In my opinion they are balanced and cover all the participant Nations' roles well.
Normandy '44 and the Battle for France by James Holland
Sand and Steel: A New History of D-Day by Peter Caddick-Adams
Overlord by Sir Max Hastings
Six Armies in Normandy by John Keegan
Double Cross: The True Story of the D-Day Spies by Ben MacIntyre
D-Day. Piercing the Atlantic Wall by Robert Kershaw
The Americans on D-Day and in the Battle of Normandy The three books by my friend Joe Balkoski are meticulously researched and his Omaha book is exceptionally good. Marty Morgan's photographic book is also superb.
Omaha Beach by Joseph Balkoski
Utah Beach by Joseph Balkoski
The First Wave by Alex Kershaw
The Americans at DDay by John C McManus
The Americans at Normandy by John C McManus
The Americans on D-Day: A Photographic History of the Normandy Invasion by Martin K A Morgan
The Dead and Those About to Die: D-Day: The Big Red One at Omaha Beach by John C McManus - see John talk about DDay in this video.
The Bedford Boys by Alex Kershaw
The Guns at Last Light by Rick Atkinson
The British in Normandy There are less books solely about the British in Normandy, but John Buckley's book is a great new and unbiased account.
Monty's Men: The British Army and the Liberation of Europe by John Buckley
D-Day Documents by Paul Winter
The Canadians in the Battle of Normandy My friend Mark Zuehlke's books are unrivaled in terms of accuracy and readability, but anything by Terry Copp is also worth reading.
The Juno Beach Trilogy by Mark Zuehlke
Fields of Fire by Terry Copp
Cinderella Army: The Canadians in Northwest Europe, 1944-1945 by Terry Copp
A Rising of Courage: Canada's paratroops in the liberation of Normandy by Dan Hartigan
British Airborne Troops on D-Day Neil Barber's books are superb, so too are Carl Shilleto's and both these historians are friends of mine.
The Pegasus and Orne Bridges: Their Capture, Defence and Relief on D-Day by Neil Barber
Day the Devils Dropped In by Neil Barber
Pegasus Bridge and Merville Battery by Carl Shilleto
13 - Lucky For Some: The History of the 13th (Lancashire) Parachute Battalion by Andrew Woolhouse
American Rangers and Specialist Troops Patrick O'Donnell is another friend and I helped a little bit with his Dog Company book, I also like Joanna McDonald's book on Pointe du Hoc.
Dog Company: The Boys of Pointe du Hoc--the Rangers Who Accomplished D-Day's Toughest Mission and Led the Way across Europe by Patrick K. O'Donnell
Liberation of Pointe Du Hoc by Joanna McDonald
Spearheading DDay - American Special Units in Normandy by Jonathan Gawne
82nd Airborne The books by Phil Nordyke are packed with information and Robert Murphy's book remains a classic.
On to Berlin by James M Gavin
To DDay and Back by Bob Bearden
All American All The Way by Phil Nordyke
Four Stars of Valor by Phil Nordyke
No Better Place to die by Robert Murphy
Down to Earth by Martin K A Morgan
101st Airborne We are spoiled for choice these days with books about the Screaming Eagles in the post Band of Brothers era. Here are a selection of great works.
Vanguard of the Crusade by Mark Bando
Screaming Eagles at Normandy by Mark Bando
DDay With the Screaming Eagles by George Koskimaki
Tonight We Die As Men by Ian Gardner and Roger Day
Easy Company Soldier by Donald Malarkey
Fighting Fox Company by Terry Poyser
We Who Are Alive and Remain by Marcus Brotherton
A Company of Heroes: Personal Memories about the Real Band of Brothers by Marcus Brotherton
In The Footsteps of the Band of Brothers by Larry Alexander
Currahee - A Screaming Eagle in Normandy by Donald R Burgett
Books by friends (Not all Normandy and WWII) This section of books are all penned by friends of mine. They are all enjoyable reads and come with my recommendation but cover a variety of subjects.
Hitler's Death: The Case Against Conspiracy by Luke Daly Groves
Appeasement: Chamberlain, Hitler, Churchill, and the Road to War by Tim Bouverie
A History of the English-Speaking Peoples Since 1900 by Andrew Roberts
Walking DDay by Paul Reed
DDay Survivor by Harold Baumgarten
Somme 1916: Success and Failure on the First Day of the Battle of the Somme by Paul Kendall
Patton's Photographs by Kevin M Hymel
Animals in the First World War by Neil R Storey
Game to the Last the 11th Australian Infantry Battalion at Gallipoli by James Hurst
We Got Each Other Home - The Most Decorated Coastguard LST of WWII by Andrew Zimmerman
Contact meif you have other suggestions for this list